
Hola! Learning Spanish can be frustrating for beginners as they keep coming across new words they don’t know. But learning Spanish can also be fun.

Let me take you on a journey to the southern part of Spain where flamenco dances amidst the orange groves and siestas call for a lazy afternoon break.

First things first, let’s start with some basic words. Saludos means greetings, or hello. Bienvenidos means welcome. Gracias, meaning thank you, is an essential word you need to know when you visit España. ¿Como estás? means how are you. And yes, “siesta” means nap!

If you’re feeling adventurous, take a stroll in a Spanish market, admiring the vibrant colors of the fresh produce, bright oranges that glisten under the sun, and succulent olives that beckon to be tasted. If you’re up for some activity, try bullfighting or jai alai, a Basque ball game.

But let’s not forget the quintessential aspect of Spanish culture: tapas. These small plates of food are perfect for sharing, whether it’s with friends or solo. Indulge in grilled prawns, patatas bravas, and a glass of sangria to complete the experience.

As you venture further inland, you’ll come across the infamous Alhambra in Granada, a stunning palace that was once a symbol of power and wealth. The Alhambra boasts intricate architecture, beautiful gardens, and stunning views of Granada.

Lastly, no trip to Spain is complete without a fiesta! Join the locals in celebrating the vivacious spirit of Spain through music, dance, and good company. There’s never a dull moment in Spain; the vibrant culture and lively atmosphere captivate anyone who visits.

So, whether you’re a tourist or a language learner, immerse yourself in the colorful and exciting culture and language of Spain. ¡Viva España!